Our staff is supported by the church, through The Learning Center Board of Directors. This Board is chosen to assist in decisions on school issues, and to provide liaison with the church. The Board and staff meet regularly. If you ever need to speak to a Board member, please let the director know so that a meeting can be arranged.
Arrival & Departure
Parents are responsible for their child’s arrival to and departure from his/her class. If someone other than the regular parent is to pick up the child, the school must be notified ahead of time. This is done for the safety of each child.
Our day will begin at 8:30 a.m. Drop off is from 8:30 am-8:45 am. Our day is over at 12:00 p.m. Please be on time to deliver and receive your child. EARLY ARRIVAL SHOULD BE ARRANGED IN ADVANCE. A LATE CHARGE WILL BE APPLIED AFTER 15 MINUTES.
Immunization Information
Our school requires that each student be properly immunized according to the state guidelines. We need a copy of you’re child’s shot record for our records. Please check with the local health department or your pediatrician for this information.
Administration of Medicine
No medication is administered during the school hours. If a situation arises that requires medical attention, you will be contacted immediately.
Children should NOT be sent to school with contagious rashes, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, earache, chronic cough, sore throat or non-clear mucus congestion. If a child has any of the above symptoms at school, the parents will be notified to pick their child up from the school.
Children MUST BE FEVER FREE and DIARRHEA FREE for a full 24 HOUR PERIOD before returning to school. Please make sure to ask your doctor when your child should be able to return to school.
Head Lice
In the event of an outbreak of head lice in the school, you will be notified. If your child contracts head lice, he/she must be nit free before returning to school. The classroom teacher and/or the director will check the child following treatment at home.
Child’s Personal Belongings & Clothing
The school is equipped with safe toys and games for all to share. We ask that your child brings toys, games, etc., from home ONLY when the teacher asks them to do so for Show and Tell.
Books appropriate to the topic for the week are always welcomed. Security blankets or objects are appropriate for the Parents Morning Out Class only, just make sure to explain the “relationship” to the teacher.
The school is equipped with limited spare clothing for those “accidents” that will occur. Please bring your child’s own change of clothes to keep in their backpack, that are weather appropriate. Please label all clothing with your child’s name. Of course, if your child is potty training, extra clothes are necessary.
Potty training is a part of the Sonflower and Rainbow curriculum. Rising Shining Stars and Sonshiners need to be fully trained before the start of the school year.
We ask that your child be dressed comfortably for playing indoors and outdoors. Rubber soled shoes (tennis shoes/sneakers) are best for your child’s safety on the playground. No flip flops, crocs, or shoes without a back are allowed. Clothing should be easy to remove and to put back on by your child for restroom purposes.
All outerwear should be labeled with your child’s name.
Each child will be assigned Leader Day each month. On this day you and your child are asked to provide the snack for your classroom. Your child will be the leader of lines and activities on that day.
We ask that nutritious foods be provided. We will be discussing nutrition and modeling good eating habits. Please do not send cookies or other sugar loaded snacks. (exception on Birthdays of course) Some suggestions are listed below:
Fresh fruit slices (apples, oranges, melons, kiwi, strawberries, bananas, etc.)
If you would like your child’s classmates to share in a birthday celebration, let the teacher know ahead of time. Some parents bring non-edible treats for each child, as well as cake, ice cream and snacks. Of course the school will recognize the child’s birthday also.
On other special occasions (Halloween, Christmas, Easter, etc.) your classroom teacher will have a special sign- up sheet.
Volunteers & Insurance
Volunteers are gratefully welcomed and encouraged. If you have special talents you are willing to share with the children, please let us know. We look forward to your involvement in these enrichment activities.
The school is properly insured through the church’s insurance company. Therefore, you will not need to purchase any additional insurance.
We will have release forms to be signed before going on any field trips and before any photos or videos are taken of your child.
Conferences are welcomed whenever the parent or teacher feels there is a need for one. Just contact us ahead of time for scheduling purposes.
Physical Outbursts
In the event your child physically hurts another child, your child will be placed in a time apart. You will be notified when your child is picked up. At the time of the second offense, you will be contacted immediately to come get your child from class. At this time, the classroom teacher and the director will conference with you about the behavior and alternative forms of discipline to be administered. Another conference will take place on the third offense and the child will be asked to stay home for 1 week. The fourth offense can result in permanent removal of the child from the program.
*For example: biting, hitting, kicking, spitting, etc.
Children’s Behavior
Walking feet inside
Quiet voices inside
Cooperating with peers and adults
Allowing others to do their work alone, if they prefer
Returning work and toys to the same place from which it was taken
Kind and considerate behavior toward classmates and teachers
Running inside
Physically hurting another person in any way
Foul or abusive language
Our Programs
Sonflowers 10 months - 2 years old
Rainbows 2 years old
Shining Stars 3 years old
Sunshine's 4 years old
Why Provide Weekday Programs for Children and Their Families?
The church believes that each child is a child of God and should have every opportunity to develop physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially, and spiritually to the fullest potential.
The church is called to ministry, caring for children, showing concern for families, and providing support and nurture for its own congregation and for the surrounding community.
Children and parents in the congregation and in the community need these programs and need support for their lives.
A weekday program is one way for the church to live out the message of God's love expressed through Jesus Christ.
The church has the facilities needed for weekday programs and wants to be a good steward of the space.
Members of the congregation see this weekday ministry as a way to live out the gospel in the community.
From Weekday Programs for Children, Director's Manual, by Gloria V. Thomas (Graded Press, 1986); p.5
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