Why Provide Weekday Programs for Children and Their Families?
The church believes that each child is a child of God and should have every opportunity to develop physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially, and spiritually to the fullest potential.
The church is called to ministry, caring for children, showing concern for families, and providing support and nurture for its own congregation and for the surrounding community.
Children and parents in the congregation and in the community need these programs and need support for their lives.
A weekday program is one way for the church to live out the message of God's love expressed through Jesus Christ.
The church has the facilities needed for weekday programs and wants to be a good steward of the space.
Members of the congregation see this weekday ministry as a way to live out the gospel in the community.
From Weekday Programs for Children, Director's Manual, by Gloria V. Thomas (Graded Press, 1986); p.5
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